During my off-season, I continue to train an absolute minimum of 13 hours/week (9-10 hours of weights and 3+ hours of cardio). Believe it or not, I rarely lose any weight in lieu of this much exercise. Why? The reason is most likely a result of my diet. I do not obsessively monitor my eating habits during off-season training. Chances are high that I am taking in as many calories as I need, if not more, to sustain necessary energy levels (resulting in an energy balance/stable body weight or a positive energy balance/weight-gain).
From my experience as a trainer and figure competitor, most people do not understand just how much their eating habits can affect their ability to lose weight. I can tell you now that
nutrition accounts for at least 60% and maybe even up to 80% of your workout results. I have trained in the same gym for almost 5 years now and have watched the same people attack their workouts 6-7 days a week with absolutely no change in their physique over that 5-year period. Maybe you are one of those people? I understand how frustrating this must be.
As most of you know, I finished my last competition approximately two weeks ago, weighing in at 110lb on show day. I have since spent the last two weeks binge-eating. You name it, and I have probably eaten it: pizza, deep-fried barbeque wings, steaks, Mexican food, beer, cookies, brownies, ice cream, etc. Today, I weighed in at 123 lb and that was after exercising for over 15 hours last week!
I am not saying that cardio and weight training are not beneficial. Common now, I didn’t pop out of the womb with deltoids and a 6-pack of abs. What I am saying is that
nutrition matters most and I am ready to prove it to you by shaping-up my eating and tracking my calories online for the next 11 days.
I will not change my weight-training or cardio programs. I will only change my eating. Now just sit back and watch me transform by body by losing 10 lbs in 11 days.
…..And then you can tell me again that your eating is perfect and you have no idea why you can’t lose weight.
Ready or not, it’s time to get hot!
Introductory Strategy
- Use my BMR (1,355 cal/day), account for additional calories needed to sustain moderate levels of exercise (bringing me up to 2,100 cal/day), then deduct 500 calories/day (leaving new BMR at 1,600 cal/day) to put me at a caloric deficit and hopefully stimulating a negative calorie balance. This should result in weight loss.
- Cut the majority of complex carbohydrates from my diet (bread, rice, beans, corn, grain, potatoes, etc)
- Minimize my sugar levels by limiting myself to no more than 2 servings of fruit/day
- Increase my vegetable levels by trying to eat 5-8 servings/day
- Drink more water to decrease appetite, flush toxins, and move fiber through my system more efficiently
- Sleep more
- Focus only on keeping my calories below 1,600 calories/day without yet focusing on macronutrient percentages. This may be necessary later.
Weight-lifting (1 hour & 45 minutes)
Chest, lateral delts, & biceps (3x10 on most exercises)
Abs (6x25)
Walk to work (1 mile/25 minutes)
30 minutes stair-master (70-105 steps per minute)-280 calories burned
Walk from work to home (1 mile/25 minutes)
Calorie Intake
Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat
4 Egg Whites 64/0/16/0
2 Turkey Bacon 40/0/5/1.5
Parmesan 20/0/2/1.5
1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
3 oz Broccoli 25/4/2/0
1 large banana 100/25/0/0
1 oz Almonds 170/5/7/15
Protein Shake 140/2/27/2
4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
5 oz zucchini 25/5/1/0
Hummus 80/4/2/7
4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
3 oz Spinach 20/3/2/0
1 oz Goat Cheese70/1/4/6
Balsamic Dress 50/12/0/0
.5 Oz Walnuts 100/1.5/2.5/9.5
Protein Pudding 230/7.25/43.5/2
Actual 1396.5/72.75/168.25/47.5
Goal 1,600/160/96/53