Friday, February 12, 2010

Beware of "Sugar-Free" Labels

Aspartame's new name and the little known new
nanotech product that drugs your tongue, unlabeled!

Never drink diet soda. The new product unlabled
is Senomyx which will only be labeled as an
artificial flavor or flavor enhancer is created
by drug technologies and nano technologies. It
has been given the label of GRAS (generally
recognized as safe), so it won't be labeled like
Aspartame (AminoSweet) . By receiving the GRAS
status given to them by their very own trade
association, Flavor and Extract Manufacturers
Association (FEMA) they are not required to
submit to any rigorous FDA testing on this drug
that "fools" the tongue so that you perceive that
you are eating sugar, but you are not.

Senomyx is made of such small scale materials
that it can fit under the 5% organic standards rule.
Kraft foods who owns organic companies saw to it
a few years ago that Congress would change a
court ruling that supported only natural
ingredients in the organic certified processed products.

Now because of Kraft lobbyist "synthetic"
ingredients are allowed in certified organic
processed foods under the 5% rule. Kraft is
krafty..I bet they plan on a line of dietetic
organic food and drinks that will not have to be
labeled because it is under 5%.

For everyone who wants to keep up on how they
slip aspartame into our foods, drugs, vaccines
(yes, vaccines), OTC meds (especially child
products), aspartame has a new name of
. Since aspartame has gotten such a
bad name (as it should), Ajinomoto has renamed
this toxic chemical sweetener. Start double checking your labels.