Wednesday, September 21, 2011



Throughout my career as a Personal Trainer and Sport and Exercise Nutrition Specialist, I have worked with many vegetarians whose primary concerns include decreased body fat and increased lean muscle. Nutrition is responsible for over 60% of exercise results; frequent exercise often yields no physical results because proper nutrition is lacking.

From my experience, I have often found that vegetarians have more trouble losing weight and building muscle than non-vegetarians. This has led me to believe that many vegetarians need to develop a better understanding of nutrition in order to successfully reach their fitness-related goals.

Here is everything a vegetarian needs to know in order to achieve body fat loss and lean muscle gains.


Losing weight and building lean muscle with minimized access to complete protein sources is a difficult task for many vegetarians, but it doesn’t have to be. Women who exercise regularly should be consuming 20-30 grams of protein 5 times per day. Men who exercise regularly should be consuming 40-60 grams of protein 5 times per day.


Many vegetarians eat seafood. This source of complete protein often makes it easier to accomplish physique goals. Based on the protein goals listed above, 4-6 oz of most seafood sources is equivalent to one serving of protein for women. Men should consume 6-8 oz. Food scales can help to better understand what a proper serving size measures up to. They are very inexpensive and can be found at places like Target, Wal-Mart, Best-Buy, and Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

If you do not have access to a food scale, then use your hand as a measurement tool; typically, one serving of fish for women should be the same size as the palm of your hand. For men, one serving of fish should equal two palms.

My only concern with a higher-than-normal seafood diet is an increased risk of heavy metal exposure. I recommend that pescitarians take advantage of this complete protein source up to 2 times per day, but should limit consumption to the following sources:
  • Salmon: Alaska wild only. Others AND farmed may contain PCBs
  • Sardines: Great choice. Pacific U.S. are the best.
  • Halibut: Pacific U.S. is best, but even it is high in mercury. Avoid all other Halibut.
  • Shrimp: Pink from Oregon is the best. U.S. and Canada is OK. Avoid all imported.
  • Snapper: Avoid. Overfished.
  • Scallops: Farmed are the best. Others are OK.
Stay away from all Asian imported seafood.

For more info go to and
These sites will provide more information as to which forms of seafood are safest for consumption.


Some vegetarians eat eggs. Egg whites are a fantastic source of lean, complete protein and they are one of the easiest-digesting forms of complete protein for most people. Free-Range, organically farmed brands are preferred. According to the daily protein recommendations that I have listed above, one serving of egg whites for women is 4-5 whites and one serving for men is 6-8 whites.

Fresher eggs are always the best option. Liquid egg whites are available at most grocery stores, but often contain preservatives. Egg white and veggie omelets make for a perfect meal.


Many vegetarians seek soy as a protein source. I must warn that high levels of soy consumption are not the best option for those wishing to decrease body fat or increase lean muscle because soy intake can often lead to an adverse effect on the thyroid organ. The body usually responds to soy by increasing estrogen production, a hormone that is directly correlated with increased body fat.


If you are not a Vegan and are not lactose-intolerant, than many dairy products can be a great source of lean, complete protein. My favorite options include plain, fat-free Greek yogurt or plain fat-free yogurt. One cup of either would be considered one serving size for women and two cups would be the proper serving size for men.

Fat-free cottage cheese is also one of my favorites; most labels list ½ cup as one serving, but the protein recommendations that I have posted above would require 2 servings, or 1 cup, per meal for women and 4 servings, or 2 cups, per meal for men.


Whey and casein proteins are made from dairy products, but many lactose-free whey proteins are available. Isolate proteins are dairy and lactose-free.
One serving typically contains 20-30 grams of protein, so one to two servings will fit the protein recommendations listed above for women and men. I prefer chocolate or vanilla-flavors because they tend to taste more like the real thing. Be careful with flavors such as “cookies and cream.” The sound of a fancy flavor is oftentimes misleading and can leave you disappointed with your flavor selection.

One great thing about protein powders is that they do not perish. I keep serving size zip-lock bags in my purse, backpack, and in my car and I carry a shaker bottle on me at all times. In times of hunger, when healthy food options are absent, I can always have a shake and know that I made a safe choice. I often have 2-3 shakes per day as snacks in between meals. Shakes make it easier to have 5 meals a day. Eating every 3 hours is always ideal because it speeds up metabolism and increases the ability to lose body fat and increase lean muscle.

Protein powders usually taste just fine when combined with 1 cup of water. Every once in a while, almond-butter or fruit can be blended with a powder to create an even tastier treat. However, I do not recommend doing this with every shake because high levels of daily sugar intake will promote the development and storage of excess body fat. This leads us to my next point.


According to Precision Nutrition, the Academy by which I am certified as a Sport & Exercise Nutrition Coach, the typical American consumes 34 teaspoons (136g) of sugar per day. However, the USDA recommends no more than 10 teaspoons (40g) of sugar per day. Consuming more sugar than the body can convert into usable energy will lead to the storage of body fat. This being said, it is no wonder that Type 2 Diabetes and obesity are increasingly becoming an epidemic in this country.

So, let’s examine what 40 grams of sugar looks like when it comes to consumption:
  • 2 slices of white bread= 3 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 bowl of cereal= 4-5 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 cup of dried fruit= 4 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 bowl of ice cream= 23 teaspoons of sugar
As you can see, 10 teaspoons of sugar adds up quickly.


I had an idea why my vegetarian clients had more trouble losing weight than my non-vegetarian clients, so I made them all fill out 3-day long food journals. After examining these journals, I learned that my hypothesis was indeed correct; my vegetarian clients were eating far too many processed and starchy foods.

Examples of starches include: potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, quinoa, beans, legumes, corn and corn products, oats, granola, wheat/flour/bread, and pastas.

The purpose of starch is to provide high levels of energy for the body. However, like sugar, any of this energy that is not used as fuel for exercise, will inevitably be stored as fat. This is the main reason why having starch at night is a very bad idea. Chances are that you will not be running a marathon after dinner, so there is simply no need to consume starch at night. On that note, there is no reason to consume starch on days when you do not exercise.


For vegetarians wishing to lose body fat or increase lean muscle, you should begin your process by following these basic rules:
  • Eat 5 servings of complete protein per day.
Each serving should contain 20-30 grams of protein. Complete protein sources include seafood, egg whites, fat-free or low-fat dairy products, and protein powders.
  • Decrease or avoid soy intake
  • Limit sugar consumption to 40 grams (10 teaspoons) of sugar per day.
Check food labels whenever possible to find out how much sugar is in the foods you eat. If there is no label is provided, then Google it.
  • Avoid starchy carbohydrates at night and during days without exercise.
If you must have starch at all, then try to limit consumption to breakfast and lunch time on days when you do exercise and try not to have more than 60 grams of starchy carbohydrates on these days (30 grams/meal for 2 meals per day).

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Building a great butt is not easy. Regardless of how much fat you store on your fanny, cardio alone is not going to provide the definition you desire.

If you want a round rump, then lets’ get a few things straight:

1) Cardio does not give you leg muscle.
  • The main purpose of cardio is to train the heart, not the glutes or legs. Sure, cardio may slim down your stems and reduce the size of your bum. BUTT, If there is no muscle underneath that fat, then no matter how small your backside gets....there will always be fat and nothing more.
2) You will never build muscle and tone-up without hitting the weights.
  • Contrary to popular belief, weight-training will not make your legs bigger….in less you eat like a cow (in which case your diet is making you bigger, not the weights). However, weight-training any part of the body will cause temporary swelling of the muscle groups worked and may lead to a short-termed illusion of increased size.
  • Rest assured that this swelling is only temporary and is usually caused by an increase in blood flow to the muscles utilized during exercise. Lactic acid is an end-product of lower-body exercise and can also contribute to this illusion of increased leg size. After 24 hours of weight-training your legs, all swelling should decrease and leg size return to normal.
In order to achieve a superb shelf, proper nutrition and exercise-selection are critical:


  • On glute-training days, I recommend cutting all starch prior to weight-lifting; this means no cereal, grains, oatmeal, protein bars, rice, potatoes, etc. For example: if you plan to hit the gym before noon, then limit consumption to protein, fats, and fiber; stick with foods like eggs, meat, fat-free cottage cheese, fat-free yogurt, nuts, and veggie omelets. Have your last meal 1.5-2 hours pre-workout.
  • Immediately following your glute workout, consume 30 grams of high sugar liquid carbohydrate quickly followed by 25 grams of liquid protein. My favorite post-exercise recovery drink is half of a 32 oz “Gatorade Perform” beverage (orange flavored) mixed and shaken well with one serving of vanilla or chocolate whey protein powder. Your protein powder should contain very close to 25 grams of protein per serving. This recovery beverage is high in electrolytes and tastes like an orange cream-sickle! All of my clients love it.
  • Now, you may be wondering why I suggest such a drink. The answer is simple: Fast-digesting liquid carbohydrates enhance muscle recovery and decrease levels of muscle soreness. When these fast digesting liquid carbohydrates are combined with fast-absorbing liquid protein, they act synergistically to increase protein synthesis (muscle-building).
  • Stop all long-endurance cardiovascular exercise now! If you are currently running or fast-paced cycling, then you are literally working your butt-off! Prolonged endurance-based exercise is catabolic in nature; this means that muscle is used as an energy source and therefore muscle tissue will be used to fuel exercise activity. Think about it; have you ever seen a long-distance marathon-runner with great glutes? These athletes are usually lean. However, muscle fullness, especially in the glutes, is usually lacking.
  • My cardio prescription is to perform 30 minutes minimum to 1 hour of exercise 3-5 days per week and to use the following cardio machines at the designated intensity levels:
  1. Stairmaster: 40-70 steps per minute without holding on or with minimal holding on
  2. Treadmill: Incline of 7-10% and speed of 3 miles per hour without holding on or with minimal holding on
  • Perform the following exercises 2 days per week (preferably resting for 3 days in between each glute-training day). I have provided a 2-month training program (sets and reps). Add at least 5 lbs to each exercise from week 1 to week 4. If you decide to repeat the program for a second month, then add an additional 5lbs to the weight that you lifted during the same set and rep scheme the previous month. If you complete the designated number of reps and feel like you could comfortably do at least 2 more reps, then ADD 5 LBS to the weight being lifted.
Barbell Rear-Loaded Squat

Set Up:
  • Place the bar across the bottom of the rear-shoulders
  • Use a hand-grip wider than shoulder –width
  • Lift the elbows up to create a “shelf” for the bar using the upper back and shoulder muscles
  • Hold the chest up and out
  • Position the feet shoulder width apart or wider
  • Point the toes slightly outward
Downward Movement:
  • Allow the hips and knees to slowly flex until the thighs are parallel to the floor
  • Maintain a position with the back flat, elbows high, and the chest up and out
  • Keep the heels on the floor and the knees aligned over the feet
Upward Movement
  • Extend the Hips and knees at the same time
Week 1: 3x15 35lb+
Week 2: 3x12 40lb+
Week 3: 4x10 45lb+
Week 4: 4x8 50lb+

Barbell Romanian Dead-Lift

Set Up:
  • Stand with the feet flat and placed between hip-and shoulder- width apart with toes pointed slightly outward
  • Squat down with the hips lower than the shoulders and grasp the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, outside of the knees, with the elbows fully extended
  • Position the bar 3-4 inches in front of the shins
  • Position the body with a flat back, relaxed traps, chest held up and out, heels on the floor, shoulders over or slightly in front of the bar, and eyes focused straight ahead or slightly upward.
Upward Movement:
  • Lift the bar off of the rack by extending the hips and knees
  • Do not let the hips rise before the shoulders
  • Maintain a flat-back position
  • Keep the elbows fully extended, the head neutral in relation to the vertebral column, and the shoulders over or slightly in
  • front of the bar
  • As the bar rises just above the knees, move the hips forward to move the thighs against the knees under the bar
  • At full knee and hips extension, establish an erect body position
Downward Movement:
  • Allow the hips and knees to flex to slowly lower the bar to the floor
  • Maintain the flat-back body position; do not flex the torso forward
Week 1: 3x15 35lb+
Week 2: 3x12 40lb+
Week 3: 4x10 45lb+
Week 4: 4x8 50lb+

Barbell Rear-Loaded Front Lunge

Set Up:
  • Place the bar across the bottom of the rear-shoulders
  • Use a hand grip wider than shoulder –width
  • Lift the elbows up to create a “shelf” for the bar using the upper back and shoulder muscles
  • Hold the chest up and out
  • Position the feet together and parallel
  • Point the toes straight ahead
Forward Movement:
  • Take one exaggerated step directly forward with one leg
  • Keep the torso erect as the lead leg moves forward and contacts the floor
  • Allow the trailing knee to flex until it is 1-2 inches from the floor
  • At the same time, allow the lead hip and knee to slowly flex
  • Keep the lead knee directly over the lead foot
Backward Movement:
  • Forcefully push off the floor with the front foot by extending the lead hip and knee
  • Bring the lead foot back into position next to the trailing foot.
  • Once the set is complete, switch legs and repeat.
Week 1: 3x15 body-weight+
Week 2: 3x12 20lb+
Week 3: 4x10 25lb+
Week 4: 4x8 30lb+

Abduction Step Up

  • Stand on the side of a 12-18 inch box so that the left leg is closest to the box
  • Place the right foot flat on the front corner of the box so that the legs are crossed
  • Position the hips straight with both toes pointing straight ahead
  • Upward Movement
  • Using the right leg, step up onto the box
  • Place the left foot on the farther front corner of the box
Downward movement
  • Keep the hips forward and set the left leg back onto the ground
  • Make sure that both toes are parallel when landing and hips are still straight
  • Do not bounce off of the left leg to get onto the box
  • Repeat for reps.
  • Once set is complete, move to the other side of the box and repeat on using the left leg
*weight held in outside hand*
Week 1: 3x15 bodyweight
Week 2: 3x12 10lb
Week 3: 4x10 15lb
Week 4: 4x8 20 lb

Cable Hip Abduction

Set Up:
  • Position ankle straps so that the clip is on the inside of each ankle
  • Make sure that Velcro is secure
  • Face sideways from the cable tower
  • Clip the cable to the inside of the ankle farthest from the machine
  • Place all weight on the leg that is free of the cable attachment
  • The supporting leg should be straight or minimally bent at the knee
Outward Movement:
  • Stand in front of low pulley facing to one side.
  • Attach cable cuff to far ankle.
  • Step out away from stack and grasp bar or cable tower
  • Stand on near foot and allow far leg to cross in front.
  • Move leg to opposite side of low pulley by abduction hip
Inward Movement:
  • Return and repeat. Turn around and continue with opposite leg.
*weight varies depending upon cable system used. Start light and increase weight by 5 lbs per week*
Week 1: 3x15
Week 2: 3x12
Week 3: 4x10
Week 4: 4x8

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Haven't found your ideal protein bar? Give up your search now and make your own!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ready or not, it's time to get HOT! DAY 11

DAY 11

Weight Update
Starting Weight 123 lb
Today’s Weight 113 lb
Target Weight 113 lb
Weight Lost to Date 10 lb

Weight-lifting (1 hour)

Shoulders (3x12)
Abs 6x25


45 Minutes Stairmaster (380 calories burned)

Caloric Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat

1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
5 Egg Whites 80/0/20/0

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5

Protein Shake 130/3/25/1.5

5 Egg Whites 80/0/20/0

Actual 584.5/6/127.25/2.5
Goal: 1,600/160/96/53

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ready or not, it's time to get HOT! DAY 10

DAY 10

Weight Update
Starting Weight 123 lb
Today’s Weight 115 lb
Target Weight 113 lb
Weight Lost to Date 8 lb

Recovery Day

Walked to Work (1 mile/25 minutes)
35 Minutes Stairmaster (320 calories burned)
Walked home from work (1 mile/25 minutes)

Caloric Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat

1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
5 Egg Whites 80/0/20/0

Protein Shake 130/3/25/1.5

2 Egg Whites 32/0/8/0

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5

5 Egg Whites 80/0/20/0

Actual 584.5/6/127.25/2.5
Goal: 1,600/160/96/53

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ready or not, it's time to get HOT! DAYS 8-9


Weight Update
Starting Weight 123 lb
Today’s Weight 118 lb
Target Weight 113 lb
Weight Lost to Date 5 lb

Weight-lifting (1 hour 45 minutes)
Chest, Shoulders, & Biceps (4x8 on most exercises)
Abs 6x25

Walked to work
Stairmaster (45 minutes-410 calories burned)

Caloric Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat

1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
3 oz Broccoli 25/4/2/0
4 Egg Whites 64/0/16/0

1 oz Almonds 170/5/7/15

1 banana 100/25/0/0

Protein Shake 140/2/27/2

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
5 oz zucchini 25/5/1/0
Balsamic 10/7.5/0/0
Parmesan 10/0/1/.75

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
3 oz Spinach 20/3/2/0
Balsamic Dressing 25/12/0/0

Arctic Zero Yogurt 75/12/7/0

Actual 1,056/57/107.25/46
Goal: 1,600/160/96/53


Weight Update

Starting Weight 123 lb
Today’s Weight 116.5 lb
Target Weight 113 lb
Weight Lost to Date 6.5 lb

Weight-lifting (1 hour 30 minutes)

Back & Triceps (4x8 on most exercises)
Abs 6x25

Walked Runyon Canyon from my apartment and back (1 hour 30 minutes)

Caloric Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat

1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
3 oz Broccoli 25/4/2/0
4 Egg Whites 64/0/16/0

1 oz Almonds 170/5/7/15

1 cup blueberries 83/21/0/0
Protein Shake 140/2/27/2

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
Balsamic 10/7.5/0/0
3 oz Cauliflour 25/4/2/0
Hummus 80/4/2/7

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
4 oz zucchini 20/4/1/0
Balsamic 10/7.5/0/0
Parmesan 10/0/1/.75

Arctic Zero Yogurt 75/12/7/0
1 Cup Strawberries 50/12/1/0

Actual 1,084/90.5/121.25/27.27
Goal: 1,600/160/96/53

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ready or not, it's time to get HOT! DAYS 5-7


Boxing with A.J. Calvin (40 minutes)

Caloric Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat

4 Egg Whites 64/0/16/0
2 Turkey Bacon 40/0/5/1.5
Parmesan 10/0/1/.75
1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
3 oz Broccoli 25/4/2/0

1 cup blueberries 83/21/0/0
1 oz Almonds 170/5/7/15

Protein Shake 140/2/27/2

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
5 oz zucchini 25/5/1/0
Balsamic Dressing 25/12/0/0
Parmesan 10/0/1/.75

Dinner was too difficult to measure because I ate at a friend’s house…….Good friends who fed me way too much food ☺ Looks like I have some calories to burn!

Actual: Unknown (and most likely 2-3x more than my goal)
Goal: 1,600/160/96/53


Walked Runyon Canyon from my apartment and back (1 hour 20 minutes)

Caloric Intake

Let’s just say that today went very much like yesterday, but at least I did my cardio ☺



Weight-lifting (1 hour)
Quads (4x8)
Abs 4x25

Stairmaster (25 minutes-220 calories burned)
Walked Runyon Canyon from my apartment and back (1 hour 20 minutes)

Caloric Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat

1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
3 oz Broccoli 25/4/2/0
4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5

1 oz Almonds 170/5/7/15

1 cup blueberries 83/21/0/0

Protein Shake 140/2/27/2

1 Oz Walnuts 200/3/5/19

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
3 oz Spinach 20/3/2/0
Hummus 80/4/2/7

Arctic Zero Yogurt 75/12/7/0

Actual 1,056/57/107.25/46
Goal: 1,600/160/96/53

Thursday, August 18, 2011


We all love our starchy carbohydrates. However, most of us don’t enjoy the abdominal bloating that follows the feast or the rapid weight gain that occurs as a result of frequent starch feedings. What if I told you that you could eat pasta every day, even multiple times a day, and still lose weight? Crazy, right?

My mother is a “raw foods” chef. She is quite crafty when it comes to making gourmet meals without cooking anything. You’d be surprised how elaborate these dishes can be. Anyhow, Mom introduced me to an amazing device that has helped me and several of my clients eat pasta without really eating pasta.

Here is my little secret; a company by the name of “Raw Glow” has made a Raw Food Spiral Slicer (aka Spiralizer). Any long, cylindrical-shaped vegetable can be hand-cranked through this device and converted into angel-hair pasta in a matter of minutes! It also has a second feature allowing vegetables to be sliced in long, thin ribbon-like strands.

I have used zucchini, carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and radishes in my spiralizer. My absolute favorite vegetable to use is raw zucchini because the taste and texture do not noticeably differ from that of real wheat-based pastas. Here are a few things I have made and loved:
  • Meatballs and spaghetti sauce over raw zucchini angel-hair pasta
  • Grilled chicken over raw zucchini angel-hair pasta tossed with pesto, sun-dried tomatoes and pine nuts
  • Grilled chicken over raw zucchini angel-hair pasta tossed with a balsamic salad dressing
A client of mine recently cooked dinner for her boyfriend; he had requested pasta….. as usual. She made zucchini pasta and tossed it in marinara without telling him and he didn’t even notice! The only taste difference, in my opinion, is that this pasta is served either cold or at room temperature. However, tossing the pasta in a warm sauce completely disguises this difference. It is also quite good served cold with a light oil-based sauce or dressing (almost like a salad).

Let’s check out the calorie difference between raw zucchini pasta and regular wheat-based pasta:

1 Serving

5 oz (1 cup) zucchini angel-hair pasta

Calories 25
Carbohydrates 5g
Protein 1g
Fat 0


1 cup (cooked) wheat-based pasta

Calories 210
Carbohydrates 41
Protein 8g
Fat 1.5

Remember that when ordering pasta in restaurants, 3-4 servings are typically served in 1 dish. I highly doubt you measure your pasta at home before eating it either. That means that a girl my size could easily consume her entire daily caloric intake needs in a single bowl of pasta…..just food for thought.

To order or learn more about the spiral slicer (spiralizer), visit the following website. I also suggest scrolling down the web page for a video demo.

Ready or not, it's time to get HOT! DAY 4


Weight-lifting (1 hour 45 minutes)
Hamstrings (3x10) and shoulders (3x15)
Abs 6x25

Walked Runyon Canyon from my apartment and back (1 hour 20 minutes)

Caloric Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat

4 Egg Whites 64/0/16/0
2 Turkey Bacon 40/0/5/1.5
Parmesan 10/0/1/.75
1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
3 oz Broccoli 25/4/2/0

1 cup blueberries 83/21/0/0
1 oz Almonds 170/5/7/15

Protein Shake 140/2/27/2

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
5 oz zucchini 25/5/1/0
Balsamic Dressing 25/12/0/0
Parmesan 10/0/1/.75

4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
Romaine 14/3/1/0
Salsa 15/6/0/0

Protein Pudding 230/7.25/43.5/2

Actual 1,103.5/62.25/158.75/25.25
Goal 1,600/160/96/53

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ready or not, it's time to get HOT! DAY 3


Weight Update
Starting Weight 123 lb
Today’s Weight 118.5 lb
Target Weight 113 lb
Weight Lost to Date 4.5 lb


40 minutes stair-master (70-110 steps per minute)-370 calories burned

Caloric Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat
4 Egg Whites 64/0/16/0
2 Turkey Bacon 40/0/5/1.5
Parmesan 20/0/2/1.5
1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
3 oz Broccoli 25/4/2/0
1 banana 100/25/0/0
1 oz Almonds 170/5/7/15
Protein Shake 140/2/27/2
4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
5 oz zucchini 25/5/1/0
Hummus 80/4/2/7
1 Oz Walnuts 200/3/5/19
4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
Romaine 14/3/1/0
Salsa 15/6/0/0
Protein Pudding 230/7.25/43.5/2

Actual 1385.5/67.25/165.75/51
Goal 1,600/160/96/53

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ready or not, it's time to get HOT! DAY 2


Weight-lifting (1 hour & 15 minutes)

Back & Triceps (3x10 on all exercises)
Abs (6x25)


35 minutes stair-master (70-105 steps per minute)-335 calories burned

Caloric Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat
4 Egg Whites 64/0/16/0
2 Turkey Bacon 40/0/5/1.5
Parmesan 20/0/2/1.5
1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
3 oz Broccoli 25/4/2/0
1 cup blueberries 83/21/1/0
1 oz Almonds 170/5/7/15
Protein Shake 140/2/27/2
4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
5 oz zucchini 25/5/1/0
Hummus 80/4/2/7
4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
3 oz Spinach 20/3/2/0
1 oz Goat Cheese70/1/4/6
Balsamic Dress 50/12/0/0
.5 Oz Walnuts 100/1.5/2.5/9.5
Protein Pudding 230/7.25/43.5/2

Actual 1379.5/68.75/172.25/47.5
Goal 1,600/160/96/53

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ready or not, it's time to get HOT! Watch me lose 10 lbs. in 11 days!


During my off-season, I continue to train an absolute minimum of 13 hours/week (9-10 hours of weights and 3+ hours of cardio). Believe it or not, I rarely lose any weight in lieu of this much exercise. Why? The reason is most likely a result of my diet. I do not obsessively monitor my eating habits during off-season training. Chances are high that I am taking in as many calories as I need, if not more, to sustain necessary energy levels (resulting in an energy balance/stable body weight or a positive energy balance/weight-gain).

From my experience as a trainer and figure competitor, most people do not understand just how much their eating habits can affect their ability to lose weight. I can tell you now that nutrition accounts for at least 60% and maybe even up to 80% of your workout results. I have trained in the same gym for almost 5 years now and have watched the same people attack their workouts 6-7 days a week with absolutely no change in their physique over that 5-year period. Maybe you are one of those people? I understand how frustrating this must be.

As most of you know, I finished my last competition approximately two weeks ago, weighing in at 110lb on show day. I have since spent the last two weeks binge-eating. You name it, and I have probably eaten it: pizza, deep-fried barbeque wings, steaks, Mexican food, beer, cookies, brownies, ice cream, etc. Today, I weighed in at 123 lb and that was after exercising for over 15 hours last week!

I am not saying that cardio and weight training are not beneficial. Common now, I didn’t pop out of the womb with deltoids and a 6-pack of abs. What I am saying is that nutrition matters most and I am ready to prove it to you by shaping-up my eating and tracking my calories online for the next 11 days. I will not change my weight-training or cardio programs. I will only change my eating. Now just sit back and watch me transform by body by losing 10 lbs in 11 days.

…..And then you can tell me again that your eating is perfect and you have no idea why you can’t lose weight.

Ready or not, it’s time to get hot!

Introductory Strategy

  • Use my BMR (1,355 cal/day), account for additional calories needed to sustain moderate levels of exercise (bringing me up to 2,100 cal/day), then deduct 500 calories/day (leaving new BMR at 1,600 cal/day) to put me at a caloric deficit and hopefully stimulating a negative calorie balance. This should result in weight loss.
  • Cut the majority of complex carbohydrates from my diet (bread, rice, beans, corn, grain, potatoes, etc)
  • Minimize my sugar levels by limiting myself to no more than 2 servings of fruit/day
  • Increase my vegetable levels by trying to eat 5-8 servings/day
  • Drink more water to decrease appetite, flush toxins, and move fiber through my system more efficiently
  • Sleep more
  • Focus only on keeping my calories below 1,600 calories/day without yet focusing on macronutrient percentages. This may be necessary later.


Weight-lifting (1 hour & 45 minutes)
Chest, lateral delts, & biceps (3x10 on most exercises)
Abs (6x25)

Walk to work (1 mile/25 minutes)
30 minutes stair-master (70-105 steps per minute)-280 calories burned
Walk from work to home (1 mile/25 minutes)

Calorie Intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Protein/Fat
4 Egg Whites 64/0/16/0
2 Turkey Bacon 40/0/5/1.5
Parmesan 20/0/2/1.5
1/4 cup ff milk 22.5/3/2.25/0
3 oz Broccoli 25/4/2/0
1 large banana 100/25/0/0
1 oz Almonds 170/5/7/15
Protein Shake 140/2/27/2
4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
5 oz zucchini 25/5/1/0
Hummus 80/4/2/7
4 oz Chicken 120/0/26/1.5
3 oz Spinach 20/3/2/0
1 oz Goat Cheese70/1/4/6
Balsamic Dress 50/12/0/0
.5 Oz Walnuts 100/1.5/2.5/9.5
Protein Pudding 230/7.25/43.5/2

Actual 1396.5/72.75/168.25/47.5
Goal 1,600/160/96/53

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Source: Cuisine Slow Cooker MENUS Magazine, 2011


For the Braciola

  • ¼ cup grated Parmesan
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 flank steak, trimmed and pounded ½-inch thick (1 ½ lb.)
  • 3 oz thinly sliced prosciutto
  • 6 slices Provolone cheese (I used “light.” It contains half the fat)
  • Salt and black peppers
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
For the Sauce
  • ¾ cup dry red wine
  • 1 can whole tomatoes, drained (28 oz)
  • ½ cup diced onion
  • ¼ cup diced carrot
  • ¼ cup diced celery
  • 4 cloves garlic
(Trader Joe’s sells a “Mirapoix Mix” containing onion, carrot, and celery pre- chopped and divided. This is a good time-saver.)

  • Pound the flank steak thoroughly with a meat mallet. This tenderizes the meat, and evens the thickness of the steak so that it cooks to uniform doneness, and makes the beef easier to roll.
  • Combine Parmesan, basil, and oregano; sprinkle herbed cheese mixture over pounded flank steak. Spread proscuitto slices over the steak followed by provolone.
  • Tightly roll steak, starting at one short side and tucking in any proscuitto or provolone that extends outside the roll.
  • Tie rolled up steak with butcher’s twine, spacing knots about 2 inches apart along the length of the roll. Season beef with salt and pepper.
  • Sear outside of the rolled-up steak in oil in a large sauté pan over high heat until beef is well browned on all sides, 8-10 minutes total.
  • Transfer rolled-up steak to a 4-6-qt. slow cooker.
  • Deglaze the sauté pan with wine, scraping up any browned bits in the bottom, cooking until liquid is reduced to about 1 Tbsp; pour liquid into a blender.
  • Add tomatoes, onion, carrot, celery, and garlic to blender; puree until smooth. Transfer the sauce to the slow cooker and cover.
  • Cook beef until tender, on high heat setting for 4-5 hours or on low-heat setting for 6-7 hours.
  • Transfer braciola to cutting board, remove twine, and cut into 8 slices.
  • Serve

Thursday, August 4, 2011


When we feel hungry, we tend to go for the first foods we can get our hands on. Unfortunately this tendency leads to poor food choices and oftentimes, overeating.

Weight loss requires planning. If you want to avoid binge eating, then it is crucial that you keep snacks on hand at all times. Some of my favorite snacks include: zip-lock baggies with 1 oz of nuts or 1 oz of jerky, protein powder in a shaker bottle (just add water), or a piece of fruit.

While working with a very fit and well-known Professional Baseball player and his private chef, I discovered his favorite on-the-go snack; protein muffins! I was so impressed with the chef’s recipe and amazed that I could finally eat muffins without feeling guilty!

I have since made these muffins for all of my clients and friends and now everyone is begging for more!

Try these delicious Vanilla Banana Protein muffins and find out what all the hype is about!


In a big bowl, whisk together:
  • 1 cup oat flour (Whole Foods)
  • 3/4 cup Tuvia Zero Sweetener (Whole Foods, Ralph‚ Pavillions)
  • 4 scoops vanilla protein powder (I use MuscleTech’s Nitro-Tech Hardcore Series)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
In a medium bowl, whisk together:
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1/2 cup oat milk (Whole Foods, Ralph‚ Pavillions)
  • 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil
  • 1 4-oz jar carrot baby food
  • 1 4-oz jar banana baby food
  • Stir wet into dry until well combined. Do not over-mix.
  • Scoop batter into paper-lined muffin tins, carefully placing about 1/3 cup of batter into each muffin liner.
  • Bake at 350 for 15-25 minutes, or until golden brown (when toothpick can be inserted and removed without dough sticking to toothpick).
Nutrition Facts Per Muffin (based on 24 muffins):
  • Calories: 60
  • Fat: 2 g
  • Carbs: 5.5 g
  • Protein: 6 g
Baking Tips (add one or more of the following):
  • 1 thinly sliced banana
  • 1 100-calorie dark chocolate bar (crushed)
  • 1 oz raw walnuts or almonds (crushed)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


During the last four months of competition-preparation and heavy dieting, satisfying my sweet-tooth has become an ever-increasing dilemma. I understand the desire to crave desert and I am so excited to share my new secret with you.

I have discovered a new ice cream product, called “Arctic Zero.” This treat has saved me from binging on unhealthy substitutes and has therefore helped me to get the sweets that I need without sacrificing my health or degrading from all of the physical efforts I have put forth during this show season.

Arctic Zero is basically a protein shake in ice cream form, minus a few grams of protein and adding a few grams of carbohydrates. Each pint contains ONLY 150 calories, where as most ice cream pints (Ben and Jerry’s, for example) contain 375 calories/serving (4 servings per pint) and up to 1,500 calories per pint). 1,500 calories is just about what I am currently eating daily in order to slim down for show-time.

Arctic Zero comes in 8 flavors (that I know of): vanilla maple, pumpkin spice, cookies and cream, mint chocolate cookie, chocolate peanut butter, coffee, chocolate, and strawberry-banana.

This product is ALL natural, gluten-free, fat-free, lactose-free, low-glycemic, high in fiber, non-GMO, Kosher, and contains no sugar alcohols. My favorite flavors are vanilla-maple and chocolate!
Here are the nutrition labels for their products Arctic Zero can be found in the Hollywood area at Bristol Farms, Ralphs (Sunset Blvd), and Whole Foods. I have found that Whole Food regularly carries all flavors while flavors at the other locations are usually limited.

Arctic Zero is an amazing product. It has saved me from my usually binging habits that regularly occur during my show seasons. I encourage you to check it out and let me know what you think of it.

For more information, visit:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fitness Photoshoot with Jason Ellis

Photography By: Jason Ellis.!/profile.php?id=574321233

Make-Up By: Melissa Mares!/profile.php?id=726535465